Both vulnerable. East deals.

Both vulnerable. East deals.
x Q J 9 7
u 5 4
v A Q J 10
w A K 3
x 6 5 3x K 4 2
u 9 7 2u A Q J 10 8
v 9 8v K 7 6
w 8 7 5 4 2w J 6
x A 10 8
u K 6 3
v 5 4 3 2
w Q 10 9
The bidding:
Opening lead: Two of u
As we have often stated: Theoretically, all finesses have the same mathematical chance of success. But that does not mean all finesses are equal!
In the balancing seat, one no trump shows about 11-14 points. If you have the values for an opening one no trump bid or better, you have to start with a takeout double, as North did here. When South showed sound values by responding one no trump, North correctly judged his intermediate cards as making the hand worth a jump to game.
West led the two of hearts, the correct card from three of partner's suit. East inserted the ten of hearts, and declarer won with the king. It might seem tempting to take the diamond finesse, but simple counting is all that is needed to point out the folly of that line.
South can see 26 high-card points in his side's combined holding. Even if he assigns only 12 points to East for the vulnerable opening bid, that leaves just 2 for West. Therefore, both missing kings should be with East.
Because declarer has only six fast tricks, declarer needs three more from diamonds or spades, and the only realistic chance for that is to find East with either king-doubleton or king-third in spades. Declarer should cross to the king of clubs and run the nine of spades. When that wins, the spade finesse is repeated, and when, indeed, the king of spades appears on the third round, dummy's fourth spade becomes the fulfilling trick.
XThis column is written by Tannah Hirsch and Omar Sharif. For information about Charles Goren's newsletter for bridge players, call (800) 788-1225 or write Goren Bridge Letter, P.O. Box 4410, Chicago, Ill. 60680.
& copy; 2004, Tribune Media Services
Copyright 2004 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.