HELOISE Tips for making potato soup are time-savers

Dear Heloise: I read your column every day in The (Hamilton, Ohio) Journal-News. I was making potato soup today and came up with a way to save time while making it. Usually I cut the potatoes into fairly large chunks, boil them until tender, then drain and add the other "fixin's."
My son hates the chunks, so I decided to get out my grater and shred the potatoes. I noticed that they were very tender, and I decided to cook them with the milk and other ingredients without boiling them first. It turned out great and was thicker than it usually is.
Another thing I put in my potato soup to help thicken it is leftover mashed potatoes, rather than flour or cornstarch. If there aren't any handy, instant potato flakes will work. Kellee Peters, Hamilton
Soup is an easy and filling quick meal any time of the year. I have put some of my favorite soup recipes together and would love for you to give them a try. To receive a copy of my six-page pamphlet Heloise's Spectacular Soups, please send $4 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (60 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Soup, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5001. Hint: Here's a way to add extra flavor to a soup without adding a lot of calories: Puree celery and/or onions and add to your favorite soup. Great flavor addition! Heloise
Dear Heloise: I have arthritis and have had several surgeries. It has limited me in many ways.
To solve my problem with things getting pushed to the back of the refrigerator's shelves, I put cookie sheets on each shelf. If things spill, it is easier to clean up, and I can pull it out slightly to see what's at the back of the shelf.
Also, for slippery bottles, I put several rubber bands around each one so it is easier to hold on to. Marian P., Webster, N.Y.
Here are two great kitchen hints from Chauncey W., sent in by e-mail:
UMy family likes ranch dressing, and we prefer to make our own . I buy the seasoning package, then toss it in a canning jar with a cup of milk and a cup of mayonnaise. I put the lid on the jar and shake the jar well, then store it in the fridge. Since it is made in the container in which it is stored.
UWhen I am using a whole can of tomato paste, I remove the top and the bottom of the can. Then I can just push the paste out all at once. But don't try it with tomato sauce!
XSend a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com. I can't answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.
King Features Syndicate