Volunteer Services Agency, a United Way agency, is a local resource for volunteer recruitment, placement and management for people of all ages in the Mahoning Valley. It sponsors three programs: Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, which helps people 55 and older use their life experience skills in their communities; Volunteer Service to Seniors, which provides assistance and companionship to the elderly living independently in their homes; and Volunteer Center, which helps people of all ages connect with local nonprofit agencies that need volunteer assistance. Call (330) 782-5877, or visit the VSA at 5500 Market St., Suite 106, Boardman between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Beight Farm Summer Camps: Volunteers needed to help with summer youth camps July 26, Aug. 16 and Aug. 23. Especially welcome is anyone who could entertain, teach a skill or make a presentation.Forum Health/Champs: Help is wanted with the summer challenge camps (CHAMPS). There are three sessions, the first beginning July 5. One must be at least 16 years old.Miracles Unlimited: Volunteers are needed to be teacher's aides, assist children and maintain equipment for this special program for children with cerebral palsy. It will take place at the YMCA from July 1 through Aug. 5.Neil Kennedy Recovery Clinic Camp: Volunteers are still needed to assist the campers Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays through July 16.Salvation Army/McSal's Canteen: People are wanted to help serve lunch to inner city children about twice a month.Summer Festival of the Arts: Held on the campus of Youngstown State University, people can help with greeting the artists, assisting with performances and helping in the children's art tent.YMCA: Volunteers are needed to help assemble the newsletter the third week of every month.
Boardman Park: People can help with general maintenance, litter control and playground supervision.Beight Farm: Volunteers interested in being outdoors can help with farming and harvesting of food. This food is then given to the needy.K-9s For Compassion: Training is required and offered twice a year. Trainees then assist with animal visits to hospitals, nursing homes and schools.Boy Scouts of America: Leaders and assistants will be needed in the fall for the program.Girl Scouts of Lake to River: Leaders and assistants will be needed in the fall for programs.Citizens Corps: Volunteers wanted to strengthen our community. After receiving some training, volunteers will then respond if there is an emergency or disaster in the community.Jewish Community Center: Assistance is needed with programs for all ages from day care to seniors. Sojourner House Battered Persons Crisis Program: Volunteers are needed to do community education about the program.RSVP: Looking for people 55 years and older to share their life skills with their community in a variety of ways.Youngstown Hearing and Speech Center: Clerical help is needed.United Methodist Community Center: Volunteers can help with summer youth programs.Volunteer Services to Seniors: Looking for dedicated people to assist senior citizens who want to remain independently in their homes. They could provide grocery shopping, doctor visits or telephone reassurance.