This and that from the world of Valley politics.
EDWARDS SUPPORTERS: U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan is among 22 House Democrats to sign a letter to U.S. Sen. John Kerry, the party's presumptive presidential nominee, urging him to make U.S. Sen. John Edwards his vice-presidential running mate, according to The Hill, a Washington, D.C., publication. Edwards won over Ryan, of Niles, an early Howard Dean supporter, when he visited the Mahoning Valley in February. When Ryan hosted a radio talk show on WKBN-AM in April, Edwards was a guest, and Ryan told him he should be the party's vice presidential pick. Ryan praised Edwards for running "a fantastic campaign. You injected a lot of energy." Edwards withdrew from the presidential race March 2, the day he lost primaries in several states, including Ohio. But he won Trumbull, Ryan's home county.
President-elect: The Ohio Association of Probate Judges chose Judge Thomas A. Swift of Trumbull County Probate Court as its president-elect. The judge will serve until June 2005 as president-elect, and then serve a two-year term as president. He will be the first judge to serve two terms as president of the association, having previously held the office from 1988 to 1990.
Judicial trustee: Judge Theresa Dellick of Mahoning County Juvenile Court was elected to a two-year term as trustee of the Ohio Association of Juvenile Court Judges District V, consisting of juvenile court judges in 12 east-central Ohio counties. Also, the job makes her one of 14 people to serve on the state association's executive board.