Hints help avoid bills

Dear Readers: Here are some credit-card hints to help you avoid unnecessary charges the next time you go shopping. The best way to avoid credit-card debt, of course, is not to use credit cards -- but that is easier said than done. Many people don't want to get rid of them at all -- and a credit card can be a lifesaver in case of an emergency, or a good way to collect on offers involving miles, points or cash back.
To try to cut down on credit-card use, consider having one card designated just for emergencies. Keep that credit card with you on a regular basis. Place your "emergency" card in a small envelope that'll easily fit inside your wallet. If you get the urge to use the card when you know you really shouldn't, you'll have a gentle reminder.
Many people use an old-fashioned check register to record their purchases as a way to visually see how much is being spent. Heloise
Dear Heloise: I read your column regularly and have found many hints that I use. When I buy something new that has a pamphlet with instructions, I staple the receipt to it. That way, if I have to refer back to it or have a problem, the purchase info is handy, and I don't have to look for it. This is a real timesaver. Jeanne McCarthy, Buena Park, Calif.
XSend a great hint to: Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, Fax: (210) HELOISE or E-mail: Heloise@Heloise.com.
King Features Syndicate
Dear Heloise: I am 72 years old and remember one of my mother's tips that I would like to share with you. She was an avid gardener and had a beautiful garden in England, as well as the prettiest hands, although she never wore gloves.
Before gardening, she would scrape her fingernails across a bar of soap. When finished in the garden, she would wash her hands and use a cotton-tipped swab to get the dirt, mud and soap from beneath her nails. She would then pour a small amount of olive oil into the palm of her hand, along with a teaspoon of sugar, and massage her hands. She would again wash her hands with soap and dry them. And lastly, she would apply a small amount of a mixture of glycerin and lemon juice that she kept by the sink. Pat Barrett, Houston
Dear Heloise: I would like to ask the following from readers everywhere: Carry a map!
As a professional tour guide in our nation's capitol, I always carry a city map and Metro map with me, whether I'm on- or off-duty. It's always such a joy and a pleasure to help lost tourists find their way. Your kindness to them will never be forgotten. G. Del Signore, Washington, D.C.
Dear Heloise: We are retired and are avid RV travelers, and we love it. I have found that empty boutique tissue boxes (the square ones) are excellent buffers for many of the glass bottles we carry on board in our cupboard.
Just pop the bottle inside, and ta-da -- it is secured. Kathie Dehne, Via E-mail
XSend a great hint to: Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, Fax: (210) HELOISE or E-mail: Heloise@Heloise.com.
King Features Syndicate