Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo, July 11: Though U.S. President George W. Bush's approval rating has been falling lately, the Kerry camp has also been unable to truly inspire voters. The selection of John Edwards as the junior member of the Democratic ticket may very well enliven the race.
Obviously, a key focus in this campaign is Iraq. Both Kerry and Edwards cast affirmative votes in the Senate ballot that granted President Bush the authority to wage war in that country. While the Kerry camp sharply criticizes the actions of the current administration in isolating the United States in the global community and persistently stresses the importance of international cooperation in such matters, Kerry is not diametrically opposed to the war itself.
Deep rifts
To do battle against Bush, who has opened deep rifts across the United States through his neoconservative policies and the Iraq war, Kerry is intent on retaking the White House on a strategy firmly rooted in the call for unity.
For people around the world who harbor serious doubts about the road traveled by the United States in the early days of the 21st century, this campaign promises to be as riveting as it is vital for the future of the international community.
Hufvudstadsbladet, Helsinki, July 13: Newsweek writes that U.S. authorities are considering new legislation in the event that the presidential elections have to be postponed in November because of a terrorist attack.
Even mere preparation of postponement is a wildly exaggerated response. At the same time, the United States is urging the Iraqi government not to postpone the planned elections in the chaotic country in January. Attacks in Iraq happen every day -- the United States, on the other hand, has not once been targeted since 9/11. The logic simply falters. Or has the possibility of a terrorist attack against the United States suddenly increased?
Bush's image
That's the impression one gets when listening to President Bush's rhetoric. But on the other hand, Bush's image leans on a perceived determination in the war on terrorism, and that's where his popularity comes from.
During the campaign, it's in his interest to bring a possible terrorist threat to the foreground ... he will not mind frequent headlines about possible terrorist threats.
Neue Luzerner Zeitung, Lucerne, July 14: Italy finally ended the bureaucratic tragedy of the 37 African refugees on the freighter Cap Anamur. After long hesitation, Rome opened the harbor of Porto Empedocle in Sicily to the German rescue ship.
Behind the favorable outcome of the weeks-long odyssey on the high seas is the aid organization Cap Anamur, which rescued the people who mostly came from Sudan across the Mediterranean in a rubber raft. Through its professional publicity campaign it created so much international pressure that Italy finally had to grant the people entry into fortress Europe.
Daily tragedies
It is good that people can overcome all governmental resistance to help other people. Thousands of refugees owe their lives to committed organizations like Cap Anamur. Even more, an action such as that off Sicily undoubtedly sensitizes the inhabitants of Europe to those tragedies that occur daily on the outer edges of the continent. The voyage of hope often ends unhappily. More than 5,000 people drown each year in the Mediterranean alone.