trip options

A rundown
The following are among the travel and camp options for young adults. Most prices exclude airfare to and from tour.
$7,499, 34 days: Alaskan cruise, skiing in British Columbia, West Coast tour, three-island Hawaii trip. Grades 9-11.
$6,599, 27 days: Golf throughout Nevada, Oregon and California; six days of lessons; college visits; Los Angeles and Las Vegas sights. Grades 7-12.
$5,950, 42 days: Trekking, camping and family stays in the Himalayas, Gobi Desert and northern plains of China; visit to Beijing and service project in Tibet. Ages 15-18.
$2,295, 15 days: Whale study, rock climbing, sea kayaking and rafting in Maine. Ages 11-12.
Source: Washington Post