HELOISE Hint leaves tablecloths free of creases from packaging

Dear Heloise: Please tell me how to get packaging creases out of vinyl tablecloths. I've tried using weights on them and tried washing them in hot water and hanging them to dry. Nothing seems to work. Help me, Heloise. Rose from New Jersey
Rose, I'm here to help! All you need to do is put the tablecloth in the dryer on low heat for a couple of minutes along with a couple of damp bath towels. Take the tablecloth out, and while it is still warm, smooth out the wrinkles. Still there? Just put it back into the dryer for a couple more minutes. Check every minute to be sure that it doesn't get too hot. Now, place flat on your table surface. Voil & aacute; -- wrinkle-free!
Speaking of tablecloths, here is a hint from Nancy Fallon, via e-mail: "I've often read suggestions to use sheets as a cheap source of fabric for window treatments, etc., but I haven't seen anyone suggest tablecloths. Most are made of heavier, richer fabric than sheets, making them great for drapes. All the sewing that is needed is to form a casing at the top and let the excess drape to the floor, or you can fold the excess fabric over the top to form a valance." Heloise
Dear Heloise: We had a small crack in one of our sinks. It did not leak; it was just ugly. I took a bottle of typewriter correction fluid and covered it up. This was about a month ago, but it still looks almost new. This prompted me to cover up a chipped spot in our bathtub last week. So far, that result is also good. Keane Coleman, Spencerport, N.Y.
This can work on some chipped white sinks and the washer and dryer. One of my assistants had just moved into her new home and dropped a can of hair spray in the bathroom sink, and it made a little chip. Her husband covered it with a little correction fluid, and it worked great! Heloise
Dear Heloise: As a longtime reader of both your mother and you, I've learned a lot. I read a hint that inspired me to write. I have additional information regarding mismatched cards and envelopes, as I had the same problem.
One day, I was at the grocery store, and a lady was stocking cards. I asked if she had any envelopes she didn't need. She pulled out a box filled with envelopes and invited me to take what I needed. She said that when cards are discarded for whatever reason, the envelopes are kept, and they are happy to give them out. Most card shops are probably a good source. Keep up the good work. Shirley, San Antonio
Dear Heloise: I found that the fastest way to clean the garage floor is to use the leaf blower. It blows away the finest dust, saves time, and no more sweeping with a broom or hosing down with water. Carmella Almquist, North East, Pa.
XSend a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com. I can't answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.
King Features Syndicate