Determining the first black baseball player

Determining the firstblack baseball player
Baseball historians are trying to determine whether William Edward White was the first black player in the major leagues.
White played one game for the Providence Greys of the National League on June 21, 1879, and the Society for American Baseball Research is researching his history.
The Wall Street Journal reported on the White case Friday.
Until now, it was generally accepted that the first two black players were catcher Moses Fleetwood Walker and his brother, Welday, an outfielder. Both played for the Toledo Blue Stockings of the American Association, then a major league, in 1884. After that, no black player appeared until Jackie Robinson with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947.
White attended Brown University, was born in 1860 and was the son of A.J. White of Milner, Ga., according to school records.

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