OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA FirstEnergy to cut jobs, close centers as it restructures

The utility expects to save $10 million a year with the moves.
FirstEnergy Corp. is cutting 70 management positions in Ohio and Pennsylvania and closing 22 payment centers, which will eliminate 80 other jobs.
The Akron-based utility said Thursday that it is reorganizing its operation to streamline its management structure and make the company more efficient by eliminating duplication of services. It expects to save $10 million a year.
The changes will not affect staffing or operations in the field, such as line, substation and maintenance workers.
The reorganization involves combining the service areas of Ohio Edison and its Pennsylvania Power subsidiary, which are part of FirstEnergy. Instead of having three regions, there will be just one Ohio Edison unit, said Ellen Raines, a company spokeswoman.
She said specific positions that will be eliminated in the consolidation haven't been identified. Some workers could move to other positions in the company.
Paul Harkey will remain in Youngstown as area manager, she said. Tom Clark, who had been president of Ohio Edison's eastern region, is regional president for all of Ohio Edison.
Ohio Edison and Penn Power customers shouldn't notice any change because positions being eliminated are on the corporate staff, she said.
Payment centers
Some people will be affected by the closing of the 22 payment centers in the Ohio Edison and Penn Power service areas. They will close by June 1.
Employees in those centers will be able to retire or receive severance pay, unless they transfer to other jobs within the company, Raines said.
She said the company didn't think the centers were necessary because 97 percent of customers pay their bills through other means. The company still has 250 payment agents, such as drug stores and supermarkets that accept utility payments.
FirstEnergy also is the parent company of Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. and Toledo Edison.

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