Valentine's Day roses
Valentine's Day roses
COLUMBIANA -- The junior class parents of Columbiana High School are taking orders for roses for Valentine's Day through Feb. 2. The cost of a dozen red roses is $20. The money raised will help pay for the after-prom events. For more information call Pam Shriver at (330) 482-9563.
Records under review
WARREN -- The Trumbull County Convention and Visitors Bureau board has released records of its financial transactions for the past four years to the county prosecutors office for review. In the announcement, board member Dominic Baragona said that the bureau had nothing to hide and welcomed a performance audit by the Ohio State Auditor.
Training by teleconference
GIRARD -- The Girard Police Department has been designated to receive teleconferencing from the Ohio Peace Officers Training Academy.
Capt. Frank Bigowsky said Thursday the signal will be directed to the Girard Multigenerational Center because it has the computer system and is a department substation.
A variety of free training seminars offered by the OPOTA and the FBI can be viewed at the center by city and area officers.
The center receives its signal from the Trumbull County Educational Services Center. Bigowsky will monitor who takes the training.
The captain said he will begin a library of the seminars so officers can borrow a tape of a seminar or make a copy.
Dann at picket line
SOUTHINGTON -- Ohio Sen. Marc Dann and area labor leaders were scheduled to have a press conference at 1:30 p.m. today at the picket line of Southington schools classified employees.
Ohio Association of Public School Employees Local 673, which includes bus drivers, cafeteria workers, maintenance employees and clerical staff at Southington schools, has been on strike since August.
Benefit dinner
McDONALD -- A benefit spaghetti dinner will be for Petey Sudol from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 618 Ohio Ave. He is a junior high student and the son of Pete and Jill Sudol of Illinois Avenue. Petey has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease. He recently began chemotherapy treatments.
Tickets are $6 for adults; $3 for children 6 to 12. Children 5 and under eat for free.
Also planned at the benefit are a Chinese auction, face painting and 50-50 raffle. Tickets are on sale at Steve's on East Marshall Road and Ianazone's Pizza Shop, also on East Marshall.
Levy backers meet
CORTLAND -- Lakeview schools had the first of what will be a series of campaign meetings Thursday to assure that the upcoming 4.5-mill levy is passed. Dave Christener, campaign organizer, said it is important the levy passes so Lakeview doesn't end up in the same position as so many other area schools struggling to make ends meet. Supporters were given various assignments at the meeting, which included developing a door-to-door campaign and putting up signs. Any school district residents who missed the first meeting and would still like to get involved can come to the next meeting Thursday.
Electricity choice
YOUNGSTOWN -- Letters went out recently giving city residents the choice of opting out of the city's bulk electricity deal.
Customers need to respond only if they don't want to participate, said city Law Director John McNally IV.
City residents and businesses can expect their electric bills to drop about 5 percent, which will amount to about $20 a year in savings for households and $70 to $150 annually for businesses.
The city recently signed a contract with FirstEnergy Solutions in Akron, a FirstEnergy Corp. subsidiary, to buy electricity in bulk. Ohio Edison will continue to be in charge of distribution and transmission of electricity. In May, voters approved a ballot item allowing the city to seek offers from bulk electricity suppliers.