Stathis-Baker wedding plans are revealed
XWARREN -- Announced by Sylvia P. Stathis, 1380 Eastland Ave. S.E., is the engagement of her daughter, JoAnne Sandra Stathis of the same address, and Ted James Baker, 3711 Indian Run Drive, Canfield.
The future groom is a son of Patricia Baker, 37 Hickory Lane, and the late Thomas Baker. He graduated from Youngstown State University with a bachelor's and a master's degree in engineering, and is employed by the Ohio Department of Transportation in Akron as a civil engineer.
Miss Stathis, also a daughter of the late William G. Stathis, is an enforcement specialist with Trumbull County Child Support Enforcement Agency. She earned a degree in professional writing and editing at YSU.
The couple have chosen Aug. 21 for their open wedding at 4:30 p.m. at St. Demetrios Hellenic Orthodox Church. After the ceremony, their reception will be held by invitation in the church community center.