Schultz-Logan wedding date is announced
XHUBBARD -- Tom and Doris Logan, 1974 Masury Road, are announcing the engagement of their son, T.J. Logan, Metcalf Hall, Kent State University, to Jennifer Lynn Schultz, 1529 Whitehall, Kent.
The bride-elect is a daughter of Tom and Linda Schultz, 10559 Vaughn Road, Mantua. She is pursuing a bachelor's degree in nursing at KSU.
The future groom graduated with a bachelor's degree in fine and professional arts from KSU, where he is pursuing a master's degree in business. He is a graduate assistant with KSU Residence Services.
The couple will extend invitations for their 4:15 p.m. wedding to take place July 10 at Springlake Party Center in Lakemore, where their reception will be held afterward.