GIRARD Street upgrade moves ahead
SBC's wooden telephone poles remain in the way, a businessman says.
GIRARD -- The Girard Beautification Committee has reached more than half its donation goal to improve the appearance of State Street.
"The community response has exceeded our expectations," committee chairman John A. Simeone said in a letter to fellow business owners.
The committee plans to install 34 residential-type lampposts along State Street (U.S. Route 422), from Smithsonian Avenue to Interstate 80 rather than the standard highway light poles.
The lighting project is being done in concert with the State Street widening project by the Ohio Department of Transportation.
Simeone, owner of Western Reserve Realty Group Inc., said work on installing the lights will go on as the widening project continues and new sidewalks and curbs are constructed.
The poles will be installed by the fall, he added.
Businesses and individuals have donated $19,000 toward a goal of $35,000. Donations range from $500 to $1,000.
Each lamppost costs between $899 and $999. They will help generate the construction of new fa & ccedil;ades on some downtown buildings, the committee chairman added.
The city has agreed to maintain the lights, including changing bulbs, making repairs and paying for the electricity.
Those who want to donate can contact Simeone at (330) 545-6969. Eighteen wooden telephone poles installed by SBC on the west side of North State remain a problem. Part of the widening project included hiding utility lines.
Mayor James J. Melfi said SBC is calculating the cost of removing the poles and running the wires behind buildings that front State.
"We're at their mercy. We need their help," Simeone said of SBC. "We do need SBC's help to get rid of the poles."