CONVICTION Litter Enforcement Program
Nine people have been convicted in recent months as a result of the Youngstown litter enforcement program, bringing total convictions to 50 since the program started in April 2001. To date, $13,681 in fines and court costs have been collected. Those convicted:
Michael L. Donahue, Struthers.
Charge: Littering/deposit of garbage. Sentence: $500 fine and $64 court costs, 10 days in jail suspended, six months' probation.
Vito Patierno III, Struthers.
Charge: Littering/deposit of garbage. Sentence: $500 fine and $64 court costs, 10 days in jail suspended, six months' probation.
Barnett Thurston Sr., Youngstown.
Charge: Littering/deposit of garbage. Sentence: $50 fine and $64 court costs, 30 days in jail suspended, two years probation.
David P. Corbett, Struthers.
Charge: Littering/deposit of garbage. Sentence: $135 fine and $64 court costs.
Raymond Floyd, Youngstown.
Charge: Littering/deposit of garbage. Sentence: $150 fine and $64 court costs, 30 days in jail suspended, six months' probation.
Ann M. Bowen, Youngstown.
Charge: Attempted littering/deposit of garbage. Sentence: $300 fine and $64 court costs, 60 days in jail suspended, six months' probation.
Jonas F. Little, Youngstown.
Charge: Littering/deposit of garbage. Sentence: $190 fine and $64 court costs, 30 days in jail suspended, one year of probation.
Brandon Weidner, Campbell.
Charge: Littering/deposit of garbage. Sentence: $50 fine and $64 court costs, 30 days in jail suspended, 40 hours' community service.
Anthony W. Sharp, Youngstown.
Charge: Littering/deposit of garbage. Sentence: $250 fine and $64 court costs, 60 days in jail suspended, one year of probation.