DIANE MAKAR MURPHY Women collaborate in the business of Get'n Fit

Fun. Inspirational. Energetic. Healthy.
A lot of words describe Donna Fox and Brenda Hughes' collaboration that began 21/2 years ago. So does the name of their business: Get'n Fit.
Fox and Hughes run a series of classes in five communities that bring dance aerobics, toning, stretching, pilates and exercise to women of all ages. (For the couch potatoes and traditionalists out there, pilates includes stretching and strengthening exercises.) And when they say all ages, well, take them at their word.
The Canfield class, for example, one snowy day last week, saw its regulars turn out and fill the large gym at Old North Church in Canfield. At least one octogenarian kept pace with the dance, stretch and warm down. She was 84, and her daughter was also in attendance. Another exerciser was in her 70s (a competitive ice skater, as a matter of fact). The youngest current student is college age.
All fitness levels
What's more, there are all fitness levels in this all female class, designed to make women feel less awkward about exercising in public.
As for Fox and Hughes, they came to exercise to get back into shape, and both had back problems.
"I went to college at YSU for home economics," Fox said, explaining how she ended up so far afield of her major. "I taught at Hubbard High. Then I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, and by the third child, I needed to do something to get back into shape."
Hughes, too, was influenced by having children. "Since my third child was born, I've been exercising. That's 30 years," she said. "I love exercise, and I needed an outlet. Today, it's still my outlet. If I can't exercise, I can't breathe."
The two were students, and ultimately instructors, together at Aerobics Outreach, owned by Cindy Woodman, during the 1980s. "I was a student when I had my kids, and I wanted to get rid of the extra weight," Fox said. "They asked me to become a teacher, and I did."
Fox and Hughes received training from Woodman, and from the National Dance Exercise Instructor Training Association, in addition to many workshop classes. "Donna and I had been friends from working together, and we made the commitment to not let the classes stop if Aerobics Outreach ever ended," Hughes said. It did, 21/2 years ago, when Woodman retired at 42 to have her first baby.
"Now, we are one of the few places in town where you can take dance aerobics," Fox said.
Get'n Fit Aerobics includes eight instructors who give classes in Boardman, Canfield, Greenford, Liberty and McDonald. Students pay $30 for a six-week session and can attend any class, anywhere. Classes are scheduled mornings and early evenings Monday through Saturday.
Because Fox has begun having a problem with her feet -- "I have high arches" -- she teaches the Tone and Stretch classes in Canfield and Boardman. "But I choreograph the dancing for each six-week dance aerobics," she said.
With Hughes, she makes a videotape to distribute to instructors, who each have a minimum of 10 years' experience. In this way, each dance aerobics class is consistent from instructor to instructor, making it easy for students to catch a class here or there.
Most don't do that though. They commit to one place. "We find if people want to be consistent, they must make an appointment with themselves," Fox said. She said many of the Get'n Fit participants come four or five times a week.
The choreography changes every session. Each class includes a warm-up, light stretching, a half-hour of dance aerobics, a cool down, work with stretch bands, upper and lower body toning, abdominal work and another stretch. Tired yet?
Don't be. Hughes is quick to point out she will celebrate her 60th birthday this year. She looks terrific. By the way, she's the mother of four.
Fox, too, has the figure and glow of a regular exerciser. She may be a mere 44, but she has three children: a daughter, 21, and two sons, 14 and 16.
Have questions? Call Fox at (330) 793-9738 or Hughes at (330) 726-8942.