HOW TO Showing it off

How to hang it:
Put small pictures in corners or narrow spaces, and large pictures in bigger spaces.
Art shouldn't be wider than the furniture it's hanging over.
Use track-lighting or a spotlight.
One large painting can create a focal point.
Art hanging horizontally makes a room longer and more casual.
Art hanging vertically makes a room taller and more formal.
The bottom frame should be 4-8 inches above furniture.
Put art at eye level.
How to choose art:
Symmetrical lines calm the eye.
Asymmetrical lines convey drama.
A touch of red tempts the eye to search for more red in the room.
Landscape art gives small spaces distance and depth.
Blues and greens have a calming effect.
Red is dramatic.
Yellow is happy and cheerful.
Purple is elegant.
Orange makes you hungry.
Brown, black and gray are sophisticated.