AUSTINTOWN Talks on 9/11 memorial are set between veterans, committee

AUSTINTOWN -- A group of residents is expected to meet with local veterans to discuss objections to building a Sept. 11, 2001, memorial in an area known as Veterans' Park in Wickliffe Circle.
Dave Daisher, commander of VFW Post 4237 on Mahoning Avenue, told township trustees Monday night that he didn't think the memorial should be located in the park, which contains two memorials for veterans.
"We feel the [Sept. 11] memorial is very worthwhile," Daisher said, reading a letter addressed to trustees. "However, we feel that Veterans' Park should remain just that -- a place for veterans."
Trustees endorsed a request to build the Sept. 11 memorial in Veterans' Park last month.
Elmwood Avenue resident Pat Connolly Sr., who proposed building the Sept. 11 memorial through the Austintown Citizens Advisory Board's beautification committee, said the committee expects to meet with the veterans to discuss their objections.
"We wouldn't be here tonight without these guys," Connolly said, praising the veterans. "I think we can reach a mutual agreement."
The Sept. 11 memorial is slated to include a portion of a destroyed World Trade Center tower.
The beautification committee is seeking donations to help pay for the memorial. An account has been set up at Sky Bank at 6010 Mahoning Avenue to accept donations. Checks should be made out to Austintown Beautification Committee or A.B.C.
The committee also is selling $40 bricks that will be part of the memorial. Information about the bricks is slated to be available at township hall.