Red Cross course to train lifeguards
YOUNGSTOWN --The Mahoning County Chapter of the American Red Cross has scheduled a lifeguard training course Tuesday and Thursday evenings March 16 through May 6. There will be no classes the week of April 11.
Classes will be at Beeghly Center at Youngstown State University.
Prospective students must meet the following prerequisites:
UBe at least 15 years old by May 6.
USwim 500 yards continuously using these strokes in the following order: 200 yards of front crawl using rhythmic breathing and stabilizing, propellant kick; 100 yards of breaststroke; and 200 yards in a mixture of crawl and breaststroke.
USwim 20 yards using front crawl or breaststroke, surface dive to a depth of 7-10 feet, retrieve a 10-pound object, return to the surface and swim 20 yards back to the starting point with the object. When returning to the starting point, the participant's face must remain above the surface of the water, and the participant must hold the 10-pound object with both hands.
Call (330) 726-6063 to register or for more information.