Bush restored dignity to presidency, has U.S. values

Bush restored dignity to presidency, has U.S. values
President Bush has brought back a refreshing aura of dignity to the White House. Isn't it nice to go four years without scandals concerning the character of our leader? President Bush exemplifies those traditional Christian values that we cherish. In a time when we need leaders of strong character who are committed to their beliefs, our president is exhibit A. It is time to put aside the opinions of political hacks and let the records speak for themselves.
If you take time to look at the records yourself, instead of allowing Hollywood and the liberal-dominated media lead and deceive you, you will clearly conclude that President Bush is the candidate that lines up with your beliefs. You do care about Christian principles and traditional values, right? As Christians, which the overwhelming majority of us claim to be, this issue alone should be the dominant factor at the ballot box. If the question is who most reflects our core beliefs, President Bush wins in a landslide.
If strong moral character and leadership is not enough for you, however, then look objectively at the other issues. Do not permit the media and Hollywood whackos to deceive and distort the facts to the point that you believe what they say. Their agendas surely do not align with your belief system. Make your own decision based on the records.
Keep to the facts. President Bush inherited a recession that began during the Clinton administration. His presidency has endured a time of terror that was unthinkable before September 11, 2001. It is fair to say that he has faced one of the most challenging terms in American history.
Be very proud of your leader. We have a president that tackles these challenges with a courage and conviction that most of us would not be able to muster.
He has shown steadfast leadership during difficult economic times. Our economy is more complex and dependent upon the world now than at any time in history. Some would have us believe that no jobs were lost to foreign lands before 2001. That is blatant deceit. You should demand honesty. Even with these formidable challenges, President Bush has lead a relatively quick recovery, and the economy is growing. Again, this is not opinion. Check the facts.
Even people that voted for Gore thanked God that we did not have to face 9/11 without the strength, firmness, and resolve of George W. Bush. Don't forget the anger you felt that day. Don't forget how proud you were of him as he stood in the rubble, amidst the carnage, and vowed that America would stand strong in the face of terrorism. Enemies of President Bush at home and abroad have done their best to divide us. They fear that unity of purpose we shared immediately following the day those towers fell.
We are blessed to have a leader who does not waver. Even as the media and Mr. Kerry attack him for not caving to France and some of our other so-called friends, our president leads with a strong sense of conviction and puts America's interests first. He has put together a strong coalition and continues to fight for us in this ugly battle that we did not choose.
Bemoaning loss of OT
What incentive does a company have to hire new workers to fill a second shift when they can just simply mandate overtime to the employees that are already working and not have to fairly compensate them for their hard work and time that is spent away from their families?
After Aug. 23 there will be a number of companies that will not have to pay time and a half for overtime to those employees who work over 40 hours. These are the kind of tactics that prompted my grandfather, and all the hard working Americans that built this country, to unionize and fight for their right to earn a livable wage. I sincerely hope that this will be a wake-up call to those companies that have no representation to organize and fight for what is fair.