REV. DWIGHT DUMAS Offerings keep church going

I recently took my car to the dealership's service department to be repaired. It was still functioning, but would frequently stall while idling at a red light. It would also stop running as I slowed to make a turn. Needless to say, it was running very rough. Finally, I took the time to seek the professional's solution; one that could be given only by someone who has the proper equipment to make the right diagnosis. I had already figured the cost at approximately $150 or perhaps $200 if necessary.
As I sat patiently for more than an hour waiting to receive the news from the service technician, I finally got more than I bargained for. The service recommendation revealed that I needed more than $900 for three repairs. I was also told that the main problem was a sensor that cost nearly $400.
I was so shocked by this revelation that I asked the service technician how much I owed if I chose to do nothing about the repair? He responded by saying $66. I then asked him to give me a minute to think about it.
Seeking life's solutions
My thoughts quickly went to my occupation as a minister of the Gospel, and to the offering that the church receives each service. I said to myself that the pastor or spiritual leader is a lot like that service technician. People wait patiently each week in our service centers (sanctuaries) to hear the solutions for life's breakdowns. After pondering that comparison, I briefly thought that if it cost $66 for one hour's work to receive the diagnosis for my car, what would I be willing to pay to receive the diagnosis and solution for my life?
As the old saying goes, you don't get something for nothing. Many offerings and church contributions are reported to be at an all-time low, but life's dilemmas and need for real solutions are at an all-time high. Drug addiction, moral corruption, lack of employment, race relations, and education are just a few of the challenges facing this region. May I encourage you to give generously to your local house of worship? Tithes and offerings are God's vehicle to lovingly expand his kingdom, and to keep our life running at peak performance.
I must confess, that I chose the temporary short-term solution. I am still recovering from the fact that it cost me $66 for the diagnosis only. However, I do understand that it is only a matter of time until I must pay the price for a permanent fix; because we don't get something for nothing. Even our opportunity for eternal life cost the Father his only begotten Son.
XThe Rev. Dwight Dumas is the senior pastor of Fifth Avenue Community Church in Youngstown.

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