Around the nation
Current prices are recorded from antiques shows, flea markets, sales and auctions throughout the United States. Prices vary by location because of local economic conditions.
"Bewitched" Activity Book, Screen Gems Inc., 1965, 64 pages, 8 x 11 inches, $25.Bank, Thing from "The Addams Family," plastic, battery-operated, box, 1964, 41/2 x 4 inches, $75.Franciscan pottery platter, October pattern, oval, 14 inches, $90.Little Red Riding Hood Halloween costume, box, Collegeville, size 10, $110.Souvenir glass vase, Cedar Point, Ohio, ruby stain, 1907, 8 inches, $125.Poison bottle, embossed lettering, amber, red devil-head corkscrew at top, 31/2 x 15/8 inches, $190."Psycho" movie poster, Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh, 1960, half-sheet, $600.Whizzer motorbike, red and cream, black pinstripes, Indian image on front fender, 1940s, Cleveland Welding Co., 26 inches, $1,495.Bakelite pin, Friday the 13th, black cat, crossed knife and fork, ace of spades, 1940s, 2 inches, $1,510.Candlelit candy container, standing cat with pumpkin face, stand-up tail, orange papier-mach & eacute; body, green legs and ears, candle is tail, German, 51/2 x 41/2 inches, $2,530.

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