Communities schedule annual leaf pickup days

Communities scheduleannual leaf pickup days
Some Columbiana communities have set dates for their annual leaf pickup.
Leaf pickup in Leetonia begins Nov. 3 and end Dec. 5. Village crews will pick up only leaves piled at the curb.
Leaves mixed with other material such as brush or grass clippings will not be picked up, Administrator Gary Phillips said.
R & amp;R Land Clearing, 46486 state Route 14 Columbiana, accepts brush and grass clippings at $5 a pickup truckload, Phillips said.
Salem also begins its annual leaf pickup Nov. 3.
The effort will start on the city's southeast side, followed by the northeast, northwest and southwest sections.
Leaves should be raked to the curb lawn for pick up.
Do not bag the leaves or rake them into the street, city officials say.
Road work to begin
NEW MIDDLETOWN -- Road grinding and resurfacing will begin Monday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on state Route 170 near Springfield Intermediate School.
Expect delays.
The work should take one day to complete.
Heritage seminar
YOUNGSTOWN -- A free Carpatho-Rusyn heritage seminar will be at 2:30 p.m. Nov. 9 in St. Mary's Byzantine Catholic Church, 356 S. Belle Vista Ave.
Attendees will learn about the culture of the Rusyn people of southern Poland, eastern Slovakia and western Ukraine.
John Righetti, president of the National Carpatho-Rusyn Society, will give a slide presentation, and books and other related items will be sold.

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