Only one 'Holy Father' in this reader's book

Only one 'Holy Father' in this reader's book
The recent letter, "Paper showed disrespect in editorial about the pope" by Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, shows the ignorance of church leadership and also why Jesus was so angry with self-righteous religious leaders.
Jesus called God "Holy Father" in the Gospel of John, Chapter 17 verse 11, and to call anyone but God "Holy Father" is blasphemy. The leaders of the Catholic Church don't even know the Bible.
Jesus said to not call anyone on earth "Father" in Matthew 23:9 because we have one "Father" and he is in heaven. Yet priests are called "Father" and have neither wife nor children.
They don't allow priests to get married and the great Apostle Paul calls this practice a teaching of demons in 1st Timothy 4:1-3.
They supposedly make saints when the Bible repeatedly says all true believers are saints.
Jesus said these people make the word of God of no effect by their traditions and customs. They also lead honest, simple people astray by their nonbiblical teachings over 1,600 years. It is time for Catholic Church leadership to repent and confess their sins of false doctrines and allowing sexual immorality to infiltrate the Church by their lack of responsibility and ignorance.
God will forgive all those who turn to Jesus for forgiveness and give up their religious teachings which deny the truth of the Bible.
I feel compassion for the sincere, dedicated Catholics who have been led astray, by the leadership. All should read the Bible and obey God rather than men and search the scriptures to see what God says is the truth.
Struthers student takes issuewith dress code repression
I am a freshman at Struthers High School, and I am writing to express my disgust with the proposed student dress code. I find it to be discriminatory against certain groups, expressly those who don't fit the mold of the Perfect All-American Teenager. It creates discord between two types of students: those who fit in and those who don't. The dress code caters to "normal" kids, while putting down and targeting those who dare to break the mold and think for themselves, an incredibly difficult feat in a high school setting. Under a list of specifically prohibited qualities is the phrase, "any eccentric type of dress or grooming," which is blatant repression of self-expression and creativity.
As students in high school, we are expected to prepare to meet the standards and qualifications set for us in the "real world." In this real world, difference and eccentricities are abundant and make for a more interesting experience. In preparation for this unleashing into the world, shouldn't we be making more efforts toward tolerance, rather than stifling the creativity and individuality of those around us?
A dress code allowing more freedom and the ability to express yourself through dress would be a step toward a more tolerant and enjoyable learning environment. As Helen Keller once said, "The highest result of education is tolerance."