Study: Use your nameto label online r & eacute;sum & eacute;s
Is your r & eacute;sum & eacute; online? If it is, please make sure you don't give it the file name "r & eacute;sum & eacute;." Use your name as a label.
In a study of more than 10,000 r & eacute;sum & eacute; files from a variety of industries, found that the file names of more than half, 54 percent, did not contain the job seeker's name.
"Imagine trying to sift through all of these r & eacute;sum & eacute;s when over 100 are named 'resume.doc,"' said Brad Fredericks of the Vermont-based r & eacute;sum & eacute; consulting firm. "It's like looking in a cupboard full of soup cans with their labels torn off."
All of which means a recruiter is forced to spend time renaming the file -- assuming you've made the cut.
"In a perfect world, when someone sends a r & eacute;sum & eacute;, it would be nice if it was named 'John Smith r & eacute;sum & eacute;,"' said Thomas Alascio, a senior consultant in Vero Beach, Fla.
Customers asked to pick uponline purchases at store
A number of brick-and-mortar merchants are encouraging customers to come in and pick up their online purchases. Recreational Equipment Inc. says almost a third of its online sales at are delivered in stores, the Wall Street Journal reported.
At Circuit City, about half the online shoppers opt for in-store pickup. One attraction for shoppers is avoidance of delivery charges. Stores report it helps business. An REI vice president said a third of online shoppers who pick up a purchase in the store spend an additional $90 before they leave.
From Vindicator wire reports