STAY SAFE Anti-fraud tips

Ways to avoid online Internet fraud:
Pay with a credit card. Credit-card transactions can be traced and canceled.
Never pay with a bank wire transfer. Avoid sellers who demand Western Union payments.
Check the seller's "feedback" rating on the auction site and poke around to see what they have bought and sold in the past.
Communicate with the seller by e-mail and, if possible, telephone before sending money.
Don't be lured off the auction site to complete the deal.
Consider using the auction site's authorized escrow service, especially for expensive items.
Print and keep a record of transactions.
Beware of e-mails that appear to be from eBay asking you to confirm your user name, password and other personal information. Many such e-mails lure people to fake Web sites that resemble eBay's site but are shams.
Sources: Internet Fraud Complaint Center, Federal Trade Commission, eBay and anti-fraud specialists