HELOISE Now is your chance to get an answer right away
Dear Readers: Whether you read this column daily or on a hit-or-miss basis, you know that the topics covered range from cooking and grilling to cleaning hints, auto hints, health hints, kid hints, pet hints and consumer issues, to mention a few. A lot of the information and hints come from you, my readers. Others come from our office, people I meet and research on topics that come up in our conversations during the workday. When you send a hint to share, it is either tested in my test kitchen or checked out with experts in many fields, major manufacturers, trade organizations and the like. I have been having great fun on my national radio show talking with these experts and getting to share their information with another audience. If you would like to hear my show, ask questions and get the right answer -- right away -- now is your chance.
Sleep-deprived? Today, Dr. James Maas, Ph.D., will be on to tell you how much sleep you and your children really need. My guests for the rest of the week include Carolyn Forte of Good Housekeeping magazine (I write a monthly column there) and our good friend and fabulous veterinarian, Dr. Tom Vice. I have a few other surprise guests, so tune in. If the show is not carried in your area, visit the Web site www.TalkAmerica.com to listen to the show live on the Internet, 10 a.m.-11 a.m. CST. (Visit a little early to be sure you have the right audio program, or you can download one from the site.) I will be giving away copies of my books, coffee mugs and pamphlets. If you can't get to the phone to call in, you can also e-mail questions to Heloise@Helo-ise.com. Please put "radio show" in the subject line so I can get to your e-mail. We have a lot of fun on the show, and it's just like this column -- filled with helpful hints, ideas to save you money and make life easier, and a chance to share a laugh!
Here is a good hint from Larry, my network engineer. If you are going to a pool party, barbecue, etc., where there are children, the adults should set up a "watching" schedule so that there is always supervision around the pool. It only takes a second for a small child to trip and fall in. As a reminder, too, do not leave a child alone near any water -- even for a second.
Also, here is another hint from L.C., who e-mailed during the show: "When you run out of juice in the batteries in your radio or flashlight, take a second to use an emery board to rub the ends of the batteries. Sometimes it gives you just a little more use of the device." Hope you enjoy the column and radio show. Heloise
King Features Syndicate