Stunned by the attitude of Southern Baptists regarding homosexuality

Stunned by the attitude of Southern Baptists regarding homosexuality
I was reading the June 19 Vindicator when I spotted on page A3 an article in the "Nation World Digest" section. The title of the article "No Same-Sex Marriages" stood out loud and clear. This quite frankly, put a very sour taste in my mouth.
It seems the Southern Baptist convention is at it again. This time, they're denouncing same-sex marriage and homosexuality at their annual meeting and asking members to help gays and lesbians become heterosexual through the Christian faith.
I'm sorry, but the day a gay person can become heterosexual through the Christian faith is the day when pigs fly. Being gay or lesbian is as natural as black or white, cat and dog or, better yet, Bert and Ernie. The two go hand in hand.
Another issue that I found quite interesting, if not alarming, is that this denomination made a special plea to its 42,000 churches to befriend gays and help "liberate" them from homosexuality. Exactly what is their definition of befriending someone? I'd love to know. According to Merriam Webster's Collegiate dictionary, the definition of befriending someone is as follows: to act as a friend to. Somehow, I don't think that this is in the minds and hearts of the Southern Baptist, boys and girls.
Oh my, my, and what do we have here? At the very end of the article, they're urging once again all judges and public officials to join them in opposing same-sex marriages. I wonder if the Southern Baptist convention urged all judges and public officials to join them in opposing interracial and interdenominational marriages too?
If you judges and pubic officials out there go along with their ignorant, mean-spirited request, then you are acting as a child who doesn't know any better. However if you go against what they're urging you to do and follow your heart and think with your own mind, not theirs, then you are acting like an adult. Please do the right thing.
When looking to the future, look outside Youngstown
The Vindicator articles depicting the employment situation in the Valley, was not good news. It showed the plight of our work force. We can only expect to lose jobs as technology advances. Unless we do have a serious reality check.
Acceptance of our situation can be the first step to solution.
Downtown Youngstown will not recover from its tainted image. There has been too much crime, crooked politicians, gang rule and murder. It is not getting better. No investor will gamble on its future. Consider the last auction of a bank building. One person showed up. We have gone through dirigible plants, auto plants, field houses, convocation centers, etc. Al for nothing. When does reality set it?
The future of this Valley lies in the suburbs. These are the places that must attract light industry and small business. As a former teacher, the need for training and acquiring skills was preached 20 years ago. Many did not believe it and they fell through the cracks. This training is critical for one's survival in todays world. The field of electronics is advancing so fast that no one person can keep up with it. It is and will have an effect on all other fields.
Let's hope our leaders stop beating a dead horse and see reality.

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