Spring-McNally wedding is set for mid-August

XAUSTINTOWN -- Tom McNally, 231 Rosemont Ave., and Mary Ann Leone of Cadahy, Wis., are announcing the engagement of their son, Brian McNally, 3008 Olive St., Columbus, to Elizabeth Spring, also of the Olive Street address.
Miss Spring is a daughter of Susan Simpson, 521 Wildwood Ave., New Castle, Pa., and Ron Spring of Columbus.
Invitations will be extended for the couple's wedding to take place at 4:30 p.m. Aug. 16 at Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church in Columbus and for a reception that evening at the Heritage Country Club in Hilliard.
Mr. McNally is a student at Columbus State Community College and is employed as a finisher with Lithco Concrete in Columbus.
His fiancee graduated from Westminster College in New Wilmington, Pa., with a degree in English and is pursuing her master's degree through Walden University. She is a teacher with the Columbus Public Schools.

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