Melissa Scanlon, Brian Stutzman are engaged

XGIRARD -- The engagement of Melissa Scanlon and Brian Stutzman, both of 3839 Ridge Road, Westminster, Md., is announced by the bride-elect's parents, Eugene R. Scanlon Jr. 225 E. Second St., and Delaine and Dave Collins, 105 Hazel St.
Stanley and Jackie Stutzman, 3491 Northway Road, Montoursville, Pa., are parents of the future groom. He is an account manager with Universal Forest Products in New Windsor, Md.
Miss Scanlon attended Hiram College and is a sales manager with Marriott International in Baltimore.
The couple have chosen Oct. 11 for their 12:30 p.m. wedding at the Stutzman Cabin on Pine Creek, Jersey Mills, Pa. Invitations will be extended for the ceremony and also for an afternoon reception at the cabin.

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