Andrea Eaton, Paul Warren to wed in Iowa

XThe engagement of Andrea Eaton, 912 Willow Ave., Burlington, Iowa, and Paul Warren, 3261 Piedmont Ave., Pittsburgh, is being announced by their parents.
David and Kay Eaton of the Burlington address are the parents of the bride-elect. Her fiance is a son of Larry and Sieglinde Warren, 2956 Palmarie Drive, Poland.
Miss Eaton graduated from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh with a bachelor's degree.
Mr. Warren, a production manager with Three Rivers Aluminum Co. in Cranberry, Pa., attended Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.
The couple have planned an open wedding for 2 p.m. Aug. 2 at St. John Church in Burlington, where their reception will be held by invitation at the Spirit Hollow Country Club. A postnuptial reception willbe held by invitation in September at Fonderlac Country Club in New Springfield.

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