Board activity
Besides approving fall 2003 tuition rates and adopting a fiscal year 2003 budget, the Youngstown State University Board of Trustees on Wednesday:
Heard from Vice President for Student Affairs Cynthia E. Anderson that summer 2003 enrollment is higher than summer 2002 enrollment by 325 students, a 7 percent increase; and that online registrations jumped from 92 for fall 2002 to 910 for fall 2003.
Ratified a three-year labor agreement with the Association of Professional and Administrative Staff, granting 3- percent-per-year raises and bonuses for increases in enrollment. Since August, it is the fourth three-year contract settled at YSU: University police and dispatchers were given 3 percent raises per year; faculty received 3.5 percent annual raises and a $1,000 lump-sum payment; support staff were given 3 percent raises per year and enrollment bonuses.
Heard from Tony Atwater, provost and vice president for academic affairs, that the Ohio Board of Regents has approved two new programs: a bachelor's degree program in forensic sciences and an associate's degree program in business technology. Elected Dr. Chander M. Kohli as chairman and Charles B. Cushwa III as vice chairman for the coming fiscal year. Both are trustees.

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