YSU Committee to decide future of bookstore

The bookstore could be run by a national chain.
YOUNGSTOWN -- A Youngstown State University committee is looking at local and national bookstore operators as it seeks to find the best bookstore to serve the campus community.
Among the groups being considered are Barnes & amp; Noble Inc., Borders Group Inc., Follett Corp., the Campus Book & amp; Supply on Lincoln Avenue, and YSU's current bookstore in Kilcawley Center on campus, said Donald Cagigas, who chairs the committee.
Cagigas, president and chief professional officer for the Youngstown-Mahoning Valley United Way, is one of three community representatives on the committee. The rest of the 17-member group is made up of three students and others associated with the university.
Cagigas said the committee was formed as the university considered plans for its new recreation center, which will be attached to the west end of Kilcawley Center. Initial concerns were that the center might overtake the bookstore.
Jobs for committee
Though that will not happen, Cagigas said, the university is still committed to researching bookstore options.
"It got people thinking," Cagigas said. " ... Let's look and explore to see if there's an opportunity there."
The committee has been handed three tasks, Cagigas said.
UFirst, it must determine an optimal location, whether the store stays in Kilcawley Center, moves to another campus site or moves to a location on the campus' periphery.
Cagigas said, "right now, nothing is being ruled out" and possibilities could include the development of a new or existing building that would be leased to YSU or one of the other companies.
USecond, the group must decide management, whether the store remains operated by YSU or is handed over to a lease operator, such as Campus Book & amp; Supply or a national chain.
UFinally, the group has been asked to determine what other services are needed in Kilcawley Center, a student hub that features meeting rooms, lounges, eateries, snack stands and other services.
Cagigas said the committee has requested proposals from the five groups and expects the location and management issues to be considered once proposals are received. The committee will meet with the companies July 8, and proposals are due Aug. 15.
The current bookstore operates in the black, Cagigas said, and is run well by its employees.
At a recent meeting of YSU trustees, he said those employees would be hired by any company that would take over operations.

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