GREENVILLE Water authority reviews bids on sale of company

One authority member also has proposed selling the sewage facility.
GREENVILLE, Pa. -- The Greenville Water Authority is reviewing two bids it received on the possible sale of the Greenville Water Co.
After the authority's regular meeting Tuesday, the board adjourned to an executive session to discuss the bids and what it called contractual issues.
Minutes from the last meeting said the board would accept offers to buy the water company submitted by Consumers Water Co. and American Water Co. at the June board meeting.
Details of the bids were not available.
Sewage facility
David P. Henderson, a Greenville councilman and water authority member, approached council a few weeks ago with a request from the authority to also consider putting the borough's sewage facility out for bids.
He said one of the companies looking at the water company also was interested in buying the sewer facility.
Minutes from May's water authority meeting indicate that the company is American Water.
Henderson's request, however, stirred up a controversy among council members, with many of them saying they are against the selling the water company and didn't want to discuss selling the sewage facility.
Although the water company sale is far from being final, it has been discussed for several months now.
Checking its worth
Henderson told council that water authority members wanted to put the sewage facility sale up for bids only to see what it might be worth, and all the bids could be rejected if council chose to do that.
Council President Pete Longiotti has suggested that a special meeting be scheduled to discuss the sewage facility sale. Henderson was not given an answer by council, however, to take back to the water authority.

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