WARREN Landlord will face building charges

The property owner was to have the houses demolished by last week.
WARREN -- Time is up for the owner of many rental properties to demolish two of those houses.
Christopher Taneyhill, chief building official, filed the paperwork Monday in municipal court to pursue charges of failure to comply with a ruling of the city building department against Suk Hu Hays.
The charges carry a maximum penalty of a $1,000 fine and five days of jail time per violation.
Last month, Taneyhill ordered two houses owned by Hays, at 576 Buckeye St. and 554 Parkman Road South, to be demolished by the end of last week. The houses remain standing.
Hays couldn't be reached late Monday, but she said last month that she agreed the houses should be knocked down. She has said, however, that she believes the city should pay the bill.
Taneyhill said his inspection of the Buckeye Street house found food and debris piled on the floor. An inspection of the Parkman Road house revealed that structure is in disrepair.
Order on other houses
Taneyhill also ordered two other houses owned by Hays, at 2453 Brier St. S.E., and at 1426 Union St., to be demolished by Aug. 1.
Hays, who lives on East Market Street, owns more than 40 rental properties in the city. Many of those other properties are set for inspection or repairs.
The orders on Hays' houses are the latest in the city's ongoing effort to demolish properties in poor condition, city officials said.
The long-vacant Imperial Motel on East Market Street was demolished last month after Taneyhill declared it a public hazard. The city also has ordered that the Parkman Road Shopping Center be demolished, but the building's owner has filed an appeal in court, contesting the order.
Owners are billed
For property owners who don't comply with demolition orders, the city will do the demolition work and send a bill to the owner.
Buildings that have recently been demolished in the city include a warehouse on Austin Avenue, a sign shop on Hall Street, tavern on North Park and a service station on East Market.

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