Today is Wednesday, June 25, the 176th day of 2003. There are 189 days left in the year. On this

Today is Wednesday, June 25, the 176th day of 2003. There are 189 days left in the year. On this date in 1950, war breaks out in Korea as forces from the communist North invade the South.
In 1788, the state of Virginia ratifies the U.S. Constitution. In 1876, Lt. Col. George A. Custer and his Seventh Cavalry are wiped out by Sioux and Cheyenne Indians in the Battle of the Little Bighorn in Montana. In 1942, some 1,000 British Royal Air Force bombers raid Bremen, Germany, during World War II. In 1951, the first commercial color telecast takes place as CBS transmits a one-hour special from New York to four other cities. In 1962, the Supreme Court rules that the use of an unofficial, non-denominational prayer in New York State public schools is unconstitutional. In 1967, the Beatles perform their new song, "All You Need Is Love," during a live international telecast. In 1973, former White House Counsel John W. Dean begins testifying before the Senate Watergate Committee. In 1991, the western Yugoslav republics of Croatia and Slovenia declare their independence. In 1995, Warren Burger, the 15th chief justice of the United States, dies in Washington at age 87. In 1996, a truck bomb kills 19 Americans and injures hundreds at a U.S. military housing complex in Saudi Arabia.
June 25, 1978: Niles Mayor Arthur M. Doutt is considering revamping the Niles Community Improvement Corp. to assist the city in handing inquiries from firms interested in locating in the city.
Despite unemployment figures standing at 8 percent and the outlook for the Youngstown area economy being, at best, uncertain, local consumers have expressed faith in the future, judging by recent car sales. May sales were 6 percent above the same month of 1977, which was one of the best years the Valley has had in auto sales.
Don L. Hanni Jr., the new chairman of the Mahoning County Democratic Party, warns the Richley administration and City Council to iron out their differences of face the party working to oust them. Hanni, who is known as "The Bull Moose" because of his stocky stature and abrasive mannerisms, believes that strong party leadership can help resolve disputes in city government.
June 25, 1963: Charges of assault and battery filed against a Liberty High School history teacher who allegedly struck a student during an investigation into cheating are dismissed by Trumbull County Judge Paul Burns in Girard.
Identification of a single fingerprint found at the scene of a burglary by the Youngstown police crime lab leads to a confession and solution of 69 burglaries in the city and county in the last three months.
Gov. James A. Rhodes signs an executive order banning discrimination in all departments and on all levels of state government because of race , color, creed or national origin.
June 25, 1953: County Engineer Sam Gould and City Engineer James C. Ryan will meet to discuss possible solutions to the problem of the death-dealing abutments on the Lincoln Park bridge.
Attorney Ford P. Agey, counsel for the Youngstown Humane Society, is elected president of the Mahoning County Bar Association during a meeting at Squaw Creek Country Club.
Mahoning County Deputy Frank Naples stops two Boy Scouts from stenciling "Don't Jaywalk" on the sidewalk in front of the county jail. The Scouts have been painting the warnings at downtown locations as part of Mayor Charles Henderson's drive to reduce pedestrian accidents.
June 25, 1928: Intermittent showers break into the practice round of the Ohio Amateur Golf Championship being held at the Youngstown Country Club course. By noon, entries exceed the 200 mark.
A camera invented by a policeman automatically takes a picture of a thief in action and is used in New York to nab an intruder who put his hand in the poor box of a Bronx church.
Dangerous pieces of fireworks are banned in Lowellville July Fourth. Novelty items will be permitted, including sparklers, torches, snakes, golden showers and firecrackers smaller than two inches in length.

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