NEW CASTLE Lark Enterprises honors workers at annual dinner

Lark provides jobs for mentally and physically disabled people.
NEW CASTLE, Pa. -- Nick Funera was named client of the year and Valerie Fazzone received the Richard D. Furlong Memorial Award at Lark Enterprises Inc.'s 20th annual awards dinner.
The client award is presented annually to someone in the Extended Work Training program at one of Lark's production facilities. Lark Enterprises Inc. is a nonprofit agency that serves and provides jobs for mentally and physically disabled people.
Funera performs a variety of subcontract jobs including assembly and packaging for area businesses. He was honored for his determination, excellent attendance and ability to meet production demands.
The Richard D. Furlong Memorial Award is presented yearly to someone in Lark's Transitional Employment Program who is part of a mobile work crew working at various sites. Fazzone is a member of Lark's evening janitorial crew and was honored for her punctuality, positive attitude and being a team player.
Other awards given are Renato Rossano, Kathy Salvati and Kathy Squeglia for 30 years of service; and Mark Boyd, Ron Ferree, Debbie Leddon and Carmen Tomasello for 25 years of service. For 20 years of service, Elvira Barbati, Homer Bowden, Rudy Fabrizio, Jim Heasley, Sue Heckathorn, Richard Higgins and Mary Morrison; 15 years: Joyce Anderson, Bob Black, Charlie Burton, Nick Funera, Dana Horlick, Darlene Ingham, Margaret Miller, Paul Shalenberger, David White and Ora Wimer; 10 years: Dan Barbati, Debra Bell, Kathy Maher, Katrina Moyer, Phyllis Rispoli, Marian Sizer and Regina Stiffler; five years: Tom Costa, Lynda Deemer, Cindy Jones, Wayne Kobialka, Jim Lighthill, Anna Lucchini, Ken Raisor, Lois Smolnik and Tom Thompson.

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