Campbell man charged after gun is pulled

YOUNGSTOWN -- A 23-year-old Campbell man was charged with felonious assault after he pointed a gun at a Youngstown man after a school graduation ceremony at Stambaugh Auditorium, police said.
About 7 p.m. Tuesday in the rear parking lot of Stambaugh, Luis Gonzales of Gordon Street, Campbell, pulled a gun on Michael Mercado, 18, of Mohawk Avenue and threatened to kill him, police said. The episode occurred after a graduation ceremony at the auditorium for Lifeskills, an alternative school program serving the Youngstown area. The two have an ongoing dispute over Mercado's dating a girl Gonzales knows, police said.
While the gun was pointed at Mercado, his 20-year-old brother, Anthony Mercado of Brooklyn, N.Y., came from behind Gonzales and put a knife to the Campbell man's throat and ordered him to drop the gun, police said. Gonzales complied, but it started a fistfight in the parking lot, police said.
A 9mm handgun was found in Gonzales' car, police said. He was being held this morning in the Mahoning County Jail pending arraignment.

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