Western Star Lodge 21 plans celebration

BOARDMAN -- Members of Western Star Lodge 21, Free and Accepted Masons, will honor St. John the Baptist at a service at 2 p.m. June 29 at the Western Star Masonic Temple. The event follows a tradition dating back to the earliest days of freemasonry.
An organ prelude will be given by George Wilkinson at 1:30 p.m. to be followed by the posting of the flag by St. John's Commandery 20 Knights Templar.
The Rev. Gary A. Smith of Canton will be the primary speaker. The Rev. Mr. Smith is a native of Youngstown and former minister at Austintown Community Church. He will be assisted by some of the organization's officers.
Instrumental music will be provided by the bell choir from Leetonia Lutheran Church arranged by Bob Holt, master of Leetonia Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blackann, music ministers of West Austintown United Methodist Church, will provide vocal music, and a reception will follow in the fellowship hall.
For information call (330) 360-5278 or (330) 793-7007. The public is welcome.

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