This veteran doesn't agree with Ryan on flag-burning

This veteran doesn't agree with Ryan on flag-burning
I have read the letters to the editors, over the past week as they praise Congressman Tim Ryan, who voted against saving the American Flag.
In answer to the Vietnam Veteran, I happen to be a World War II veteran. We fought to knock down a German swastika and to preserve the American flag. So ,many American soldiers died to keep our flag safe.
Those veterans are dying at the rate of 1,000 per day, and they would hang their heads in shame. That flag has been a part of our country since George Washington. It has been tattered and torn in many ways, but it always flew proudly over our country.
Let us not forget 911 and that proud American flags came out of the woodwork to let the people know where they stand. The home of the free and the land of the brave.
Tim Ryan expresses his feelings about his First Amendment rights, while many in this country are starving. He is taking his $150,000 salary and not voting the way the majority of the American people feel about the American flag. Maybe if he had to served his country on the firing lines, he might have more respect for the American flag. Our ex-congressman, Jim Traficant, could let Ryan know how he feels about destroying this great symbol of our country. Freedom of speech has nothing to do with burning our flag.
No pastor should beso ignorant of Scripture
As a seasoned citizen who has been in pastoral ministry for over 40 years, I was taken back by a recent letter writer's subtle and misguided attack on the Bible.
As a retired Baptist pastor, that writer should know that evolution is not a scientific problem, but a theological one; i.e. referring to man's relationship with God. If we came from a piece of Goo, ending up in the Zoo, and now it's You, then we have no idea who we are nor where we're going. Therefore, there's no sin, no fall and no need of a Savior.
God created the heavens (Gen.1:1), including the light. The writer mentioned that Gen. 1:20 "says that the waters bring forth fowl that fly." It says nothing of the kind! It clearly states that God designated "living creatures" (e.g., fish) to the waters and birds to fly in space; one did not emerge out of the other. I would not expect such confusion from a pastor.
To say that "Genesis is ... mythological" ... and "not history" is ludicrous! If that's so, then we have no trustworthy Word from God, nor a manual for life. In short, we have no hope for time nor eternity. We have no Savior, either. What blasphemy, and what a sad commentary on one supposedly called to share hope and forgiveness to a sinful and needy generation.
With corruption and violence mounting, it's time to get back to "thus saith the Lord." The first schools in America were in churches, and the first textbook was the Bible. Indeed, true science and the Bible do not contradict each other.
People can make a difference
What wonders our community can accomplish when we work together! Due to the efforts and generous contributions of individuals, companies and organizations, Give the Children a Chance Inc. and its volunteers were able to distribute over $11,000 worth of new blankets to families and individuals in our own community.
We were able to distribute warm blankets, small toys and candy to children and adults who otherwise would have been without these basic necessities this past winter. So many of us take these simple things for granted -- it's hard to believe that there are still so many people who don't have a decent blanket to keep them warm, or that children don't know what it's like to own a new toy or to have a blanket of their very own.
The generosity of so many individuals, companies and organizations has made a difference in so many lives.
X The writer is president of Give the Children a Chance, Inc.

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