Preventing unsafe vaccines requires working together

Preventing unsafe vaccinesrequires working together
I am a registered nurse of 15 years and have always believed in vaccinating to prevent disease and promote wellness. However, in the last two years, I have experienced firsthand the effects of mercury poisoning in my daughter.
As more and more vaccines containing the mercury-based preservative Thimerosal were added to the immunization schedule, our children began receiving as much as 125 micrograms of ethylmercury by the age of 18 months. That is way over the allowable EPA limit.
Despite the reputation that mercury is an extremely toxic substance, the FDA has never required manufacturers to conduct adequate safety testing on Thimerosal and ethylmercury compounds. Ironically, the FDA has repeatedly warned pregnant women not to eat large amounts of fish so as to avoid toxic mercury, yet it continued to approve vaccines containing increasingly large doses of mercury.
In the last decade, autism (symptoms of which are markedly similar to mercury poisoning) in the United States has grown to epidemic proportions -- some estimates are between 10 percent and 17 percent per year.
My daughter was a normal, healthy 17 month old until she received her scheduled vaccines on Jan. 5, 2001. After these vaccines she began withdrawing into her own little world. She acted deaf to the sound of my voice, lost all eye contact, lost the few words she could verbalize, refused physical contact (such as hugs or cuddles), became obsessed with lining up objects, frequently twirled or ran pacing back and forth, and I could go on and on with the multiple immune, gastrointestinal and neurological problems. At the age of two she was diagnosed with global developmental delays, hypotonia, and autism.
Our pediatricians are not to blame. They are only following the guidelines established by the government vaccine program. We as parents need to work together with our pediatricians to be sure our children are given safe vaccines. Please talk to your pediatrician about spacing out the vaccines a month apart and be sure they are Thimerosal-free. Giving multiple vaccines to an immature or weakened immune system can do more harm than good.
I do not want our children to get any of the diseases that the vaccines can prevent, but I also do not want another child and family to experience the effects of mercury poisoning.
If you suspect a development problem, do not wait to see if your child will out grow it. Begin screenings and the early intervention programs as soon as possible. Those diagnosed with autism can get help from DAN! (Defeat Autism Now!) doctors. A list of these doctors specializing in autism treatment can be found on the Autism Research Institute Web site.
My daughter is improving slowly but remains nonverbal. I am determined to do everything possible until she has reached a managed recovery and a cure is found. Prevention is the key. I hope this letter can prevent other children from suffering the effects of regressive autism related to mercury poisoning. I would like to thank all those who are helping in our cause.
Relatively speaking, LPGA in Valley was a big, big deal
If I were a betting man, I would wager that the recently played LPGA Tournament held in our Valley at Squaw Creek Country Club proportionally gave more money to our local children's and educational charities than the Masters Golf Tournament this past spring gave to their local children's and educational charities. Our total was $460,000. You don't have to be big and famous to be kind, considerate, and sensitive.
Congratulations once again to Eddie Thomas and staff, Lou Greco and crew, Tom Hollern and the Mahoning Valley Sports Charities, the unselfish and faithful volunteers, and yes, the spectators and grateful citizens of this fine and proud community.

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