HELOISE Give college student a tackle box

Dear Heloise: My daughter will be going off to college this fall, and I want to send her off with as much helpful stuff as possible. You once printed a hint about a tackle box filled with all sorts of items that a new college student could use. Could you reprint your suggestions? Debra, Fort Worth, Texas
Of course I can, and congratulations to the graduate.
Here's a list to get anyone going off to school or moving into a new apartment started (of course, add to it as you see fit): hammer, an assortment of nails, pliers, wire cutter, tape measure, picture hangers, thumbtacks, poster putty, picture-hanging wire, transparent tape, masking tape, duct tape, screwdriver set, assortment of screws, stud finder and a small level.
Also, in a small, plastic compartment box (often used to store fishing lures), you can put a thermometer, an assortment of adhesive bandages and antibiotic ointment for cuts and scrapes.
Let's not forget to include some stationery, return-address labels, stamps and a phone card to help her get through any homesick moments. And a small sewing kit for quick fixes. Heloise
Dear Heloise: Here's a hint for people who read a lot. When my library gives me the printout of the titles and due dates of my books, I use a magnet to hold it on my refrigerator door.
Also, I have a special shelf in one room for unread books, and in my bedroom is a shelf for finished ones. This system has kept me from having an overdue book for a very long time. Carol Hanson, Boscawen, N.H.
Carol, this is a very good system. Speaking of libraries, folks, remember that yours has not only books, but videos, CDs and even DVDs to check out. Also, you can use the library's computers to access the Internet, etc. Use your tax dollars! Heloise
Dear Heloise: Whenever I receive a present with a card, I always write the title or description of the present on the blank side of the card.
That way, I remember who gave me what when doing thank-you notes. Kristy Vos, Cypress, Calif.
Dear Heloise: While browsing through some genealogy Web sites, I came across a suggestion that women should include their maiden names in the census records.
In the generations to come, this would help future genealogists find the ancestors they are looking for! Betty Johnson, via e-mail
Dear Heloise: Just a quick hint to freshen comforters: Put them in an unperforated plastic bag and use your vacuum to remove all the air from it. If the bag is held tightly around the nozzle, all the musty air is removed, and if you take the bag outside to open it, fresh air is introduced.
This also compacts the items and is a good method for taking such items (bedding -- H) when camping. Jill Moore, via e-mail
Dear Heloise: I wear two different medicine patches. Before applying them, I take a fine-tip marker and write on each the day of the week it is to be changed.
I always remember when to change them! Claire, via e-mail
XSend a great hint to: Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, Fax: (210) HELOISE or E-mail: Heloise@Heloise.com.
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