Tammy Tabak and Bob Thomson to be married in August ceremony

XCAMPBELL -- John and Elaine Tabak, 521 Porter Ave., are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Tammy Tabak, and Bob Thomson, both of 326 E. Park Ave., Hubbard.
Parents of the prospective groom are Bob and Judi Thomson, 516 Wendmere Drive, Hubbard.
St. Joseph the Provider Church will be the setting for the couple's open wedding to take place at 2 p.m. Aug. 9. Invitations will be extended for an evening reception at Mr. Anthony's in Boardman.
Miss Tabak graduated from Youngstown State University with a degree in elementary and special education, and is pursuing a master's degree in education-elementary reading and literacy at Walden University, Blooomfield, Ind. She is a special-education teacher in Campbell City Schools.
Mr. Thomson is an operations supervisor with FedEx Freight East in Youngstown. He earned a degree in human resources at YSU.

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