Disabled U.S. veteransays Tribe's staff rudeFanfare:
I am a disabled American veteran with back and leg problems and have to use a cane.
We attended a Cleveland Indians game, and when we were parking in the dock we were not allowed to park in the handicap spaces, even with a handicap sticker in plain view of the staff and after telling them so.
Their people were very rude toward us.
We were told to park on the fifth level, which we did, and luckily there was an elevator close by.
We left the game early to get out before the fireworks show because my husband has an ear problem that he incurred while in the military.
We were forced to walk way down the street to enter the parking garage and back across to the elevators. We even told them that I have problems walking. They said it was not their problem.
When we finally got to the elevators, they were not in use as we were told they would be by the very rude staff. We were told we had to walk way up to the fifth level.
After talking to them about our problems, they informed us again that it was not their problem and offered no assistance. But they brought a lady in a wheel chair through the area we couldn't use to her limo, but yet they don't care about a lower-class person who has to use a cane to walk.
I think any handicapped person should receive help when needed.
After a very long and slow walk up the stairs, we finally made it to the fifth level. We were not allowed to walk the very short distance to our truck and were told we had to go back down to the fourth level. By then, the fireworks were starting.
We went back down and had to walk all the way around and up the ramp to the fifth level to our truck.
We thanked them for causing me more extreme pain and my husband more pain in his ears.
We will never attend another Indians game due to the rude and uncaring staff, owners and management at Jacobs Field.
What happened since last year, when we attended the games and everyone was nice and helpful, to this year with such rude and uncaring people?
Janice Susak
Staff cited for excellencein track and field coverage
The Vindicator sports staff did an excellent job covering high school track and field this spring.
Complete results of local, district and regional meets as well as follow-up articles kept the Vindy coverage at its best.
It was obvious that journalists and photographers were actually present at many meets. This excellence was topped off with outstanding coverage of the state meet that included listing complete results (I can't remember the last time this happened) and numerous corresponding articles.
Joe Scalzo, who seemed to be the ring leader of track and field articles, added color, charisma and a unique touch to his coverage of this sport.
This was further complemented by writers Brian Richesson and Mark W. Miller and photographers Bruce Palmer, Scott R. Galvin, William D. Lewis and Jean Neice.
The Vindicator also did a nice job covering YSU track and field, interviewing former area athletes competing at their respective colleges and featuring a couple "one on one" interviews of the alumni of this sport.
I think that many fans of the sport would also appreciate improved coverage of local roadraces as well as national and international competitions.
In an often undercovered sport in mainstream media, the Vindicator did a thorough job covering local track and field. It featured this sport on the front page of the sports section on numerous occasions and on the front page several times.
I'm sure I speak for many athletes, coaches and fans of this sport when I say that we greatly appreciate a job well done.
Wilma J. DePiore

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