Budget includes 5.5-mill tax rise

Directors felt that keeping the educational programs intact is worth the tax increase.
FARRELL, Pa. -- Farrell Area school directors have settled on a plan that carries a 5.5-mill property tax increase, which will cost residential taxpayers an average of about $100 more a year.
The final version of the spending plan stands at $11,913,395 and sets the total property tax millage at 49.
The directors had five 2003-04 budget options on the table when they met Monday. The board was looking at various versions of a budget that ranged from a 2-mill tax increase that would have cut three teaching positions, to a high of 7 mills.
The version approved in a 6-2 vote keeps the staff intact, funds a $37,500 technology plan that will put a new computer in every classroom and add new projectors and other equipment, and $51,000 to repair the air conditioning system in the high school auditorium.
It also calls for some "in-house" staff moves that include shifting some teaching personnel and aides into federal grant programs that will pick up their salary costs, said Superintendent Richard Rubano.
Voted against increase
School Directors Edward Zappa and Joseph Costa cast the dissenting votes, saying the tax increase is too large.
"This is a tremendous impact, in terms of millage, we are dumping on the taxpayers," Zappa said.
The majority, however, felt that keeping the district's educational staff and programs intact was the most important issue.
Farrell's technology program has grown by leaps and bounds and needs to keep advancing, said school Director James Guerino.
No one likes raising taxes, "but my priority is the education of the children," said Director Sadie Benham.
"I don't think we can afford to lose any more staff," added Director Ron Weston, saying to cut staff would hurt the district's educational offerings.
Lester Robinson, board president, said the right thing to do would be to combine all of the Shenango Valley school districts into a single school system to save money, "but realistically, that's not going to happen."
He agreed that Farrell has cut back staff as far as it can go.
School Directors Michael Wright and Larry Manilla also voted for the budget. Jerome Flint was absent.
No residents of the district showed up to voice an opinion.

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