Officials decide Pennsylvania state parks to remain free

HARRISBURG (AP) -- State officials are no longer contemplating an entrance fee for Pennsylvania's 116 state parks as they consider ways to raise new revenue for the system, a Department of Conservation and Natural Resources spokeswoman said Thursday.
Department Secretary Michael DiBerardinis had mentioned the idea in May during a visit to Erie, home of Presque Isle State Park, spokeswoman Gretchen Leslie said. But community opposition "mushroomed," and DiBerardinis abandoned the idea.
"People are very passionate about that park, and they immediately jumped on the issue, and it was all-consuming. He didn't want that to happen across the state," she said.
DiBerardinis has been visiting parks around the state since April to gather public input for an "action plan" for the agency, Leslie said. He expects to complete the plan by December or January.

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