NORTH JACKSON Workers fix up classrooms for middle-school pupils

The board also discussed a permanent improvement levy.
NORTH JACKSON -- Last April, the new Room 307 at Jackson-Milton High School was filled with junk and was in disrepair.
However, the room has been painted, patched, sanded, varnished and caulked, and is ready to be used for middle-school pupils next fall.
The room is one of 17 within the high school undergoing repairs and renovations this summer to prepare them for sixth- through eighth-graders. The pupils will be the first group to attend classes at the restructured high school, which also will be used as a middle school.
At their meeting Thursday, board members set a July 15nished. Superin date to have the room repairs fitendent Buck Palmer said he hopes work on the second- and third-floor hallways in the middle school portion will be completed in August.
The school will have separate entrances for middle-school pupils and high-school students, Palmer added.
Also on agenda
In other business, members approved an initial resolution that makes a 5-year, 1-mill tax levy a step closer to the November ballot. The one-time permanent improvement levy would generate about $650,000 over five years that would be used to replace the roof and air conditioning units at Jackson-Milton Elementary School, as well as paint the gym and repair its floor, make necessary plumbing repairs in the school's kitchen and fix one of the parking lots, Treasurer John Zinger said.
The levy would cost someone living in a $100,000 home about $35 per year; someone in a $120,000 residence would pay an additional $42 annually.

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