IAAP Yo-Mah-O Chapter installs new officers

The new president has been a member since 1999.
YOUNGSTOWN -- Yo-Mah-O Chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals held installation of officers for 2003-04 during a meeting June 10 at the Youngstown Club.
The induction ceremony was conducted by Joan Giba and Melissa Ferraro as Christine J. Simone was seated as president of the organization.
Simone attended Youngstown State University, began her career at Melmore Associates in 1985 as a secretary and was promoted in 1997 to office manager. She has been a member of Yo-Mah-O since 1999 and has served as president-elect and corresponding secretary as well as chairing several committees and attending seminars and workshops. She also is the Ohio Division Certification Committee chairwoman.
Other officers
Installed as her associate officers were Lynn Romeo, president-elect; Patricia Vallas, recording secretary; Deborah A. Yiannaki, corresponding secretary; H. Marlene Daily, treasurer; and Bonnie Filipovich, assistant treasurer. Sharyn Fees will serve as the group's parliamentarian.
Those appointed to committees were Miriam Nogal, Administrative Professionals Week; Tracy Goad, attendance and courtesy; Kim Moenich, audit; Ferraro, bulletin and ways and means; Judy Cundik, certification; Joyce Laska and Roseanne Cullen, community service; Joan Battagline, custodial and publicity-scrapbook; Mary Lou Weingart, education; Barbara Sofranec, executive night and rules and bylaws; Tom Franklin, membership; Cullen and Mary Hake, program and social; Linda Welther and Pauline Hruby, retirement center/building; Giba, scholarship; and Fees, Web site.

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