YOUNGSTOWN YSU, FirstEnergy establish program

YOUNGSTOWN -- Youngstown State University is joining with FirstEnergy Corp. to offer a new program to train power plant operators.
Akron-based FirstEnergy, the parent company of Ohio Edison and other utilities, said it has many operators nearing retirement age and expects to have job openings.
An informational session about the new program will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Schwebel Auditorium in Moser Hall at YSU. The two-year program begins this fall and will award an associate of technical studies degree, with a focus on power plant technology.
The curriculum
The power plant technology curriculum will include electrical theory; electrical machinery and controls; power plant operations; boiler, turbine, and generator operations; power plant instrumentation; pollution control equipment; and general education.
"Our graduates will be able to work in any industry that has control room operations, such as paper mills, steam heating systems, chemical plants, electric power generation plants and large commercial complexes, just to name a few," said Ted Bosela, associate dean of the Rayen College of Engineering and Technology at YSU.
During the summer between their freshman and sophomore years, students will be expected to complete an internship. In addition, several courses will include training experiences in power plants.
For more information about the program, contact Bosela at (330) 941-3286.

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