XEASTLAKE -- Dawn M. Krince and Mark S. Adams exchanged marriage vows during a 6 p.m. ceremony May

XEASTLAKE -- Dawn M. Krince and Mark S. Adams exchanged marriage vows during a 6 p.m. ceremony May 17 at the Patrician Party Center with the Rev. Stephen Sabanos officiating.
A reception followed at the center in honor of the daughter of Timothy and Linda Krince of Mentor and the son of John and Jeanne Adams, 45601 Route 558, New Waterford.
The couple honeymooned in Hawaii and are living at 8622 Melody Lane, Macedonia.
A white, beaded, satin gown with a heart-shaped neckline was worn by the bride. The skirt featured a long train, and she also wore a shoulder-length veil.
Janice Adkins of Mentor was matron of honor, and bridesmaids were Michelle Biondi of Mentor, the bride's cousin, and Lisa Kornaga of Buffalo, N.Y. The wore lilac gowns.
The duties of best man were performed by the groom's brother, Jess Adams of Rogers, and groomsmen were Mark Hradl of Akron, Ed Kennedy of Strongsville and the bride's brother, Duane Krince of Mentor.
Mrs. Adams graduated from Edinboro University, Edinboro, Pa., with a degree in accounting. She is treasury and risk manager at Tranzonic Cos. in Highland Heights.
Her husband earned a degree in computer science from Youngstown State University and is senior data-base administrator with Sterling Inc. in Fairlawn.

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